
Strawberry | CBD Hemp Flower | Exquisite Indoor | 14% CBD

CBD 14%

Strawberry is one of the latest editions to our exquisite indoor cultivated CBD flower tea range presented to you from our in-house boutique brand, Rochanna. Our Exquisite flowers, are artisanal cultivated in hydroponic systems using organic methods and LED lights. Our exquisite flowers are exclusive to Rochanna and are produced on a small scale only.

  • icon Hydroponic Hydroponic
  • icon Indoor Indoor
  • icon CBD level14%
£6.56 / g
7g (2x 3.5g)
£5.70 / g
£5.35 / g
28g (2x 14g)
£4.99 / g
CBD level 14%
THC level <0.2% Δ9-THC%
Plant Indica
Cannabinoids CBD | CBDa | CBC |
Aroma Berry | Strawberry | Fruit | Pine |
Quantity 3.5g to 28g (2x 14g)

Store in cool dry cupboard, away from direct sunlight.


Rochanna's Strawberry CBD Flower Tea

Strawberry CBD flower tea is a delightful and highly aesthetic, genetic descendent of Cannatonic, which is Indica dominant. Strawberry has been cultivated, trimmed and cured to the highest standard and boasts light to mid-green, dense and trichome smothered hemp tea flowers. Strawberry has an intense and pungent, berry, sweet fruit aroma with undertones of pine.  <0.2% Δ9 -THC 

Extraction/legal information of Rochanna's Strawberry CBD Flower Tea:

Cannabinoids are lipids which are not water soluble. Extracting cannabinoids derived from hemp in hot or boiling water is not an effective extraction method and it is impossible to extract a controlled cannabinoid which may or may not be present in negligible and or trace levels, which are within legal parameters, using an infused solution method. Therefore our Rochanna CBD flower teas which is <0.2% Δ9-THC is quite clearly not designed for the administration of a controlled drug to a human being or animal & there is absolutely <1mg Δ9-THC per preparation.  A controlled drug cannot be recovered by readily applicable means or of which constitutes a risk to health. Hemp tea is retailed for infused solution purposes only.

Rochanna CBD Hemp Flower Tea suggested use:

Steep one heaped teaspoon (approx 0.5g) of loose herbal hemp tea in a 200ml mug of hot water for 5-7 minutes or per required taste.  Remove, stir and relax (sugar or stevia may be added).

Rochanna Herbal CBD Hemp Tea is not intended to prevent, cure or treat any disease or illness.  Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18.  Not intended to smoke or vape. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication or under medical supervision then please consult a doctor or healthcare professional before use. 

Rochanna CBD Hemp Flower Tea ingredients:

whole plant hemp tea (cannabis sativa L) <0.2% THC

Rochanna CBD Hemp Flower Tea is to be stored in a cool dry cupboard, away from excess heat and humidity.